We strive for the most accurate and honest specimen pictures and descriptions as possible. We understand that viewing pictures online does not always truly represent the specimen compared to having it in person. Therefore, we offer a full purchase price refund (minus shipping costs) if the item is returned to us in original condition within 14 days of delivery (USA customers) or 30 days (international customers). eBay buyers have 30 days to return items per their policy. Buyer is responsible for return shipping costs. WHOLE GEODES: If you receive a whole (un-opened) geode that is solid, please contact us within 10 days and we will send you a replacement geode at no cost to you including shipping costs, or we will issue a refund for the full price of the solid geode (minus shipping costs). All orders received between November 1 and December 23 have a longer return period (until January 5th) to contact us if you receive a solid geode for a replacement/refund. If you have any questions, please contact us prior to ordering.